Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Guilt Complex

I don't know if it has something to do with being an oldest child, or being raised by a single-parent, or if I'm just genetically predisposed, but I have a serious problem with guilt. And it seems to have increased ten-fold since becoming a Mom. I know I'm supposed to "trust my instincts", but I'm constantly second-guessing myself. I know that I am trying to do right by my son, but isn't that what most parents are trying to do?

Take for example the issue of starting him on solids. The "experts" say to wait until the baby is 6 months old. Okay. My Mom and my Mother-in-law tell me it'll help him sleep through the night, "breastfed babies are always hungry", etc.

But I know that I know my kid. And so I wait. And people continue to ask, and poke and mention and advise... "Haven't you given that boy any REAL food yet?"

So I get exasperated, and set an arbitrary start date. Which in our case was after Christmas. And then it got pushed back a little until New Year's. Okay, fine. I mostly set the date to give people an answer when they asked.

So we started baby "cereal" on New Year's Eve. Not such a fan at first, but today is day 4 and he pretty much loves it. And yet at the same time, I'm worrying about starting him "too soon". Especially with all the food allergies and intolerances between Mike and I. But I know he is ready, shouldn't that be enough?

I have so many guilt riddled experiences to look forward to over the course of his life...

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